RF Mixer Testing: Parameters and Setup

rf mixer
rf testing
frequency conversion
signal analysis

RF mixers are critical components in RF and microwave systems, enabling frequency conversion for signal processing. Accurate testing and measurement are essential to evaluate parameters such as conversion loss, isolation, linearity and noise figure. This article explores key testing techniques, essential measurement parameters and the best equipment used for RF mixer evaluation.

About RF Mixers

An RF mixer is a three-port device, typically labeled as RF, IF, and LO ports. It takes two input signals and produces a single output. This output usually contains the sum and difference of the input frequencies, leakage of the input signals, and harmonics of the inputs.

RF Mixer

RF mixers are versatile devices with many applications. A very common one is frequency conversion, since mixers don’t alter the amplitude or phase of the input signals while shifting their frequency.

In RF down conversion, the difference between the input frequencies is extracted using an appropriate band-pass filter. The input ports are designated as RF and LO, while the output port is called IF.

RF Mixer as RF up-and-down conversion

In RF up conversion, the sum of the input frequencies is selected using a band-pass filter. The input ports are IF and LO, while the output port is RF.

Test Setup for RF Mixer Testing

The following table outlines the generic specifications of an RF mixer that are verified during testing:

RF Mixer SpecificationsDescription
Frequency of OperationThe manufacturer specifies the frequency ranges at the RF, LO, and IF ports for which the mixer is designed to operate.
Conversion LossThis is the ratio of output power to input power, measured between the input and output ports. In decibels (dB), it’s the difference between output power (dB) and input power (dB). Conversion loss is a crucial parameter in RF mixer testing.
Noise FigureThis measures the noise added by the RF mixer during frequency conversion. For passive mixers, the noise figure equals the insertion loss, as these mixers do not provide gain. The Noise Factor = (Si/Ni)/(So/No). Noise Figure = 10 * Log10 (Noise Factor).
IsolationMeasured between the LO-RF or LO-IF ports. It indicates how much the local oscillator power leaks to the IF or RF port. In other words, it’s the attenuation of the LO signal as it travels to the other two ports. Manufacturers specify LO/RF and LO/IF isolation in datasheets, making it a critical parameter for both mixer selection and testing.
Dynamic RangeThis is the range over which the RF mixer operates satisfactorily. The linear dynamic range is the difference between the input P1dB (the maximum signal level where the device operates linearly) and the MDS (Minimum Detectable Signal). The two-tone spurious-free dynamic range is defined as 2/3 * (Input_IP3 - MDS).
1dB Power and Third Order Intercept (TOI) pointsThe 1dB compression point is where the output power stops increasing linearly with the input power. The input and output power levels at this point are the 1dB input/output powers respectively. The TOI point is typically 10 to 15 dB higher than the P1dB compression point.
Harmonic SuppressionMixers produce sums, differences, and harmonics of input frequencies. It’s important to check the level of these harmonics. A certain amount of harmonic suppression is usually required to prevent them from interfering with the normal operation of the mixer.
Input and output VSWR or return lossThis measures how well the mixer ports reflect or pass signals. For example, to measure VSWR at the RF port, a signal is applied to the LO port, and the unused IF port is terminated with a 50-ohm impedance.

These parameters are specified by RF mixer manufacturers in datasheets and manuals, which are important to consider when selecting a mixer.

RF Mixer testing setup

RF mixers are often tested using test jigs or dedicated PCBs with suitable dielectric materials. Figure 3 in the original article depicts a typical RF mixer conversion loss measurement using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). Other equipment that might be needed for RF mixer testing includes a spectrum analyzer for measuring harmonics and spurious signals, a power meter for P1dB and general power measurements, and a directional coupler for VSWR measurements.

Test Equipments

  • Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) : Measures insertion loss, return loss, and isolation.
  • Spectrum Analyzer : Analyzes frequency response and spurious signals.
  • Signal Generators : Provides RF, LO, and IF signals for testing.
  • Power Meter : Measures power levels at different ports.
  • Noise Figure Analyzer : Evaluates noise characteristics of the mixer.

Measurement Techniques

  • Perform S-parameter measurements using a VNA.
  • Apply two tone signals to measure intermodulation distortion (IMD).
  • Use a spectrum analyzer to analyze spurious outputs and harmonic distortion.
  • Conduct power sweep tests to determine the mixer’s compression point.


Proper RF mixer testing ensures efficient frequency conversion, minimizes signal distortion and enhances overall system performance. By using the right measurement equipment and techniques, engineers can optimize RF mixer performance across various applications, including wireless communication, radar and satellite systems.

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