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Advantages and Disadvantages of Pitot Tubes

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pitot Tubes

A concise overview of the pros and cons of using pitot tubes for measuring fluid flow velocity, including cost, sensitivity and applicability.

pitot tubes
flow measurement
fluid mechanics
Electromagnetic Flowmeters: Advantages and Disadvantages

Electromagnetic Flowmeters: Advantages and Disadvantages

Explore the benefits and drawbacks of electromagnetic flowmeters, including their ability to handle slurries and conductive liquids, along with limitations due to conductivity requirements.

flow measurement
electromagnetic flowmeter
em flowmeter
Orifice Plate: Advantages and Disadvantages

Orifice Plate: Advantages and Disadvantages

Explore the benefits and drawbacks of using orifice plates for flow measurement, including cost, size, accuracy, sensitivity, and head loss.

flow measurement
orifice plate
pressure difference