Understanding Glucometers: How to Check Blood Glucose Levels

glucose meter
blood glucose
medical devices
health monitoring

This article explains about glucose meter, its benefits and step-wise guide to measure glucose level in the blood using it.

What is Glucose Meter?

A glucose meter (also called a glucometer) is a medical device used to measure blood sugar levels. It is widely used by individuals with diabetes to monitor and manage their glucose levels. The device typically works by analyzing a small blood sample, usually from a fingertip, to provide a quick and accurate blood sugar reading.

The following units are commonly used for measuring blood sugar or glucose levels:

  • mmol/l
  • mg/dl
  • mg%

Here are some useful unit conversions:

  • 1 mmol/l is equal to 18 milligram/deciliter
  • 1 mg/dl is equal to 0.055555555555556 millimole / liter

Step by step guide to check Glucose Level in Blood

Here’s a step by step guide for beginners on how to check blood glucose levels. This guide is generic and applicable to most glucometers.

Glucose test items required

Figure 1: Glucose test items required

Glucose test fig1

Figure 2

Step 1: Gather the necessary items, as shown in Figure 1.

  • Glucose meter (e.g., Prodigy AutoCode or Accu Chek Active)
  • Test strip (compatible with the meter)
  • Lancet device for extracting a blood sample
  • Lancet (for piercing the skin)
  • Swab for sterilizing the finger

Glucose test fig2

Figure 3

Step 2: Prepare everything before the test. Insert the lancet into the lancet device, readying it for piercing the finger (as shown in Figures 1 and 2). Also, insert the test strip into the glucose meter, as shown in Figure 3.

Glucose test fig3

Figure 4

Step 3: Thoroughly wash your hands, especially the finger you’ll be piercing. Use a swab to sterilize the finger further for more accurate results.

Glucose test fig4

Figure 5

Step 4: Pierce the finger using the lancet device and obtain a blood sample, as shown in Figure 4.

Glucose test fig5

Figure 6

Step 5: Wait a few seconds for the glucometer to display the results in the selected unit of measurement.

Step 6: After the test, dispose of the used lancet and test strip properly to prevent infection of yourself or others.

Recommendation: For more reliable results, consider alternative glucose measurement methods, such as urine glucose tests.

Benefits of a Glucose Meter

Following are some of the advantages of Glucose Meter:

  1. Helps in Diabetes Management Allows individuals with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels regularly, leading to better disease management and prevention of complications.
  2. Quick and Accurate Readings Provides fast results, usually within seconds, enabling users to take immediate action if their glucose levels are too high or too low.
  3. Reduces Risk of Complications Regular monitoring helps prevent severe complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis, nerve damage, and cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Portable and Easy to Use Small, lightweight, and battery-operated, making it convenient for use at home, work, or while traveling.
  5. Supports Better Lifestyle Choices Helps users understand how diet, exercise, and medication affect their blood sugar, leading to healthier habits.


A glucose meter is an essential tool for individuals with diabetes, offering quick, accurate, and convenient blood sugar monitoring. Regular use helps in preventing complications, managing lifestyle choices, and improving overall health. By following a simple step by step process, users can efficiently track their glucose levels and take proactive measures for better diabetes control.

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