Understanding difference between W, D, H/J bands

Sub-THz bands


The demand for higher data rates and efficient wireless communication has led to the exploration of millimeter wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) frequency bands. Among these, the W-band, D-band, and H/J-band are gaining attention for applications in radar, satellite communication, 5G/6G networks and advanced imaging technologies. Each band operates at different frequency ranges, offering unique advantages and challenges. Understanding their differences is crucial for selecting the right frequency spectrum for specific applications.

Comparison between W, D and H/J bands

FeatureW BandD BandH/J band
Frequency Range75 GHz – 110 GHz110 GHz – 170 GHz220 GHz – 325 GHz
Wavelength2.73 mm – 4 mm1.76 mm – 2.73 mm0.92 mm – 1.36 mm
UsageRadar, 5G backhaul, satellite communication, military applicationsNext gen 6G, THz communications, radarTHz imaging, spectroscopy, high data rate wireless
AdvantagesHigh bandwidth, lower atmospheric absorption than D-bandHigher frequency allows for more data capacityExtremely high data transmission rates
ChallengesAtmospheric absorption limits rangeIncreased attenuation and hardware limitationsHigher losses, complex fabrication requirements


The W-band, D-band, and H/J-band represent the evolution of wireless communication and sensing technologies, moving toward higher frequencies for enhanced performance. While W-band is already in use for radar and 5G backhaul, D-band is being explored for 6G and high capacity wireless networks. The H/J band is still in the research phase but holds promise for ultra high speed data transmission and THz applications. As technology advances, these frequency bands will play a crucial role in shaping the future of wireless communication and sensing solutions.

WLAN Test and Measurement Equipments

WLAN Test and Measurement Equipments

Overview of WLAN test equipment including RF testers (VSG, VSA) and protocol analyzers for conformance and pre-certification testing.
