TR-220 Test Set: Avionics Test & Measurement

test equipment

This page details the TR-220 test set, highlighting its features. This test set functions as an ATC DME Test Set and is manufactured by Tel-Instruments Electronics Corp. It also mentions benefits of ATC distance measuring equipment.

What is DME ?

Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is a crucial navigational aid used in Air Traffic Control (ATC) to help pilots determine their distance from a ground-based station. It enhances situational awareness and ensures safe and efficient air navigation.

Application Note :

The TR-220 is a multi-functional test set used for testing various avionics systems, including following. It is manufactured by Tel-Instruments Electronics Corp.

  • TCAS (Traffic and Control Avoidance Systems)
  • DME (Distance Measurement Equipment)
  • ADS-B transmit/receive (compliant with DO-260A/B requirements)
  • Transponder modes A and C

Key Features of the TR-220 Test Set

Here’s a rundown of the TR-220’s standout features:

  • Performs all transponder tests in modes A, S, and C.
  • Enables TCAS I and TCAS II intruder tests and validation.
  • Provides DME validation and offers user-customizable solutions.
  • Supports testing of all DME channels, ranging from 108 to 117.95 MHz.
  • Includes a handheld directional antenna with a coverage range of approximately 10-170 feet.
  • Offers RS232 connectivity for PC connection.

TR-220 for DME Testing

The TR-220 is valuable for DME testing, allowing users to configure parameters such as channel (108 to 117.95 MHz) and velocity (120 to 1200 KTS). The instrument measures and displays key DME parameters like PRF, power, and frequency. It also has the ability to transmit Morse code I.D.

DME Specifications Supported

The following table summarizes the DME specifications supported by the TR-220 test set:

SpecificationsTR-220 Test Set Support
Transmitter Frequency962 - 1213 MHz +/- 100 KHz
Transmitter Power>=4 dBm
Receiver Frequency RangeChannel Frequency +/- 3.5 MHz
Receiver Frequency Accuracy+/-200 KHz
Receiver Sensitivity Range<= -35 dBm

Advantages of ATC DME

Here are the key benefits of DME in ATC:

  1. DME gives precise distance information between the aircraft and the ground station, improving navigation accuracy.
  2. Works in combination with VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range) or ILS (Instrument Landing System) to provide accurate aircraft location data.
  3. Helps air traffic controllers efficiently manage aircraft separation and sequencing, reducing the risk of mid air collisions.
  4. Assists pilots in approach and landing by providing reliable distance to runway information, especially in low visibility conditions.
  5. Enables optimized flight paths and smoother transitions between different air traffic control zones, leading to better airspace utilization.
  6. Unlike visual navigation aids, DME provides accurate distance readings regardless of weather conditions.
  7. Reduces Pilot Workload : Provides automatic and continuous distance updates, reducing the need for manual calculations and enhancing cockpit efficiency.
  8. Enhances Safety in En-Route and Terminal Operations : Helps prevent navigational errors by confirming aircraft position relative to navigation beacons, improving en-route and terminal safety.
  9. Used in both commercial and military aircraft for precision navigation and operational efficiency.
  10. Compatible with Existing Navigation Systems : Integrates seamlessly with VOR, ILS, and Flight Management Systems (FMS) to provide comprehensive navigational data.


Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is a vital component of air navigation and air traffic control, providing accurate and real-time distance data for pilots and controllers. It enhances flight safety, optimizes airspace usage, and supports precise approach and landing operations. By ensuring reliable navigation under all weather conditions, DME contributes to the overall efficiency of modern air traffic management systems, making it an indispensable tool for both civil and military aviation.

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