Surge Generator Basics and Vendors

surge generator
emc testing
iec 61000-4-5
test equipment

This page describes the basics of a surge generator and lists some vendors. A surge generator is used to simulate high-energy interference pulses, either voltage or current. These generators are crucial for performing EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) tests according to standards like IEC 61000-4-5 and IEC 60.

Figure 1, shown below, depicts a surge generator developed by Schloder, GmbH.

Surge Generator

Surge Generator Specifications

Here are some specifications for a surge generator, based on models manufactured by Schloder:

  • Surge Voltage: Produces surge voltage with a pulse shape of 1.2/50 µS and an amplitude ranging from 0.2 to 4.4 Volts.
  • Surge Current: Generates surge current with a pulse shape of 8/20 µS and an amplitude ranging from 0.1 to 2.2 KA.
  • Memory: Built-in memory allows for up to 25 different adjustments.
  • Remote Control: The surge generator can be operated remotely via a personal computer using an RS232 interface.

Surge Generator Manufacturers or Vendors

The following are some manufacturers and vendors of surge generators:

  • Teseq, AG
  • Advanced Test Equipment Corp, CA
  • Scientific India
  • EM TEST, France

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