Near Field Probe Set: Basics, Applications, and Vendors

near-field probes
electromagnetic compatibility
spectrum analyzer

This page describes the basics of a Near Field Probe Set, its applications, and lists some of the vendors or manufacturers. A near field probe is used for both magnetic field (H-field) and electric field (E-field) measurements. Consequently, there are two main types: H-probes and E-probes. These probes are usually coated with an insulation layer, making them suitable for safe measurements near main power lines and oscillator devices.

The figure below shows a complete set of near field probes manufactured by Aaronia AG, Germany.

near field probe set

The RF near field probe set can be easily interfaced with a spectrum analyzer or oscilloscope, using a suitable adapter if needed.

Near Field Probe Applications

Here are some common applications of near field probe devices:

  • Used to locate sources of interference
  • Used to estimate the strength of interference fields
  • Used to verify the effectiveness of shielding
  • Used to verify the effectiveness of filters in a design
  • Used to identify faulty or leaky components
  • Used to detect circuits that are particularly sensitive to radio interference

Near Field Probe Manufacturers or Vendors

The following are some of the manufacturers or vendors of Near Field Probes:

  • Tektronix (manufactures a near field probe kit)
  • ETS-Lindgren (E & H near field probe set)
  • Beehive Electronics
  • Keysight Technologies
  • Rohde & Schwarz
  • Aaronia