Understanding EMI/EMC Testing and Service Providers


This article explores the world of EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) testing. Understanding these concepts is crucial for ensuring electronic devices function correctly and don’t disrupt other equipment. We’ll also delve into some of the key providers of EMI/EMC testing services and solutions.

Understanding EMI and EMC

  • EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): Refers to unwanted electromagnetic energy that can disrupt the performance of electronic devices. EMI testing assesses a system’s resilience against such interference, specifically focusing on radiated emissions – radio frequency waves emitted by the device.

  • EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility): Focuses on a device’s ability to function correctly in its electromagnetic environment without causing interference to other devices. EMC testing examines a system’s vulnerability to conducted emissions, where interference leaks through power lines.

EMI/EMC Standards

Numerous standards dictate the acceptable levels of EMI and EMC. These standards vary depending on the industry and application. Here’s a table outlining some common ones:

Mil-Std-461 A,B,C,D,EMilitary Standard for EMC requirements
Mil-Std-1399Standard for interface characteristics of shipboard equipment
CISPR 25Vehicle component testing
FCC Part 15, 18FCC rules for radio frequency devices
RTCA/DO-160 A,B,C,D,EEnvironmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment
GR-1089-COREEMC for telecommunication equipment
EN55011/CISPR 11Industrial, scientific and medical equipment
EN55014/CISPR 14Household appliances and power tools
EN55022/CISPR 22Information technology equipment
EN61000-4-2Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
EN61000-4-3Radiated RF Immunity
EN61000-4-4Electrical Fast Transient
EN61000-4-6Conducted RF Immunity

EMI EMC Test Service Providers

Below are some prominent providers offering EMI/EMC testing services and solutions:

CompanyEMI EMC Test CapabilitiesWebsite
Dayton T. Brown, Inc.EMI testing, EMC testing to various standards (European, UK, MILITARY, US, etc.)www.dtbtest.com
STQCEmission (CE/RE) and Immunity (CI/RI) testshttps://www.stqc.gov.in/
Scientific Mes-Technik Pvt. Ltd.Provides EMI/EMC test solutions including ESD generators, EMI receivers, Radiated RF immunity test equipment, LISNs, conducted RF immunity test equipment, surge generators, near field probes, pre-compliance solutions.www.scientificindia.com
Keysight TechnologiesPre-compliance measurements, EMC compliance tests, EMI/EMC simulations.www.keysight.com
MET LabsGlobal leader in EMI/EMC testing, offering EMC site surveys, project management, FCC test & certification, RTCA/DO aeronautics tests, military and wireless testing.www.metlabs.com
National Technical Systems, Inc.EMC, EMI, and ESD Testing Serviceswww.nts.com
ARAIEMI/EMC laboratory supporting radiated immunity, radiated/conducted emission, conducted immunity & transient emissions, ESD.www.araiindia.com
Intertek Group plcEMI & EMC testing lab for various industries including automotive, lighting, medical, telecom, military, etc.www.intertek.com
API TechnologiesEMC test lab with equipment for various EMI/EMC tests at commercial and international levels.eis.apitech.com
SAMEER-Centre for ElectromagneticsRE or RS facility with a 10-meter chamber and conducted immunity lab for EMI/EMC testing.scemcd.gov.in
Com-PowerEMC Test Equipmentswww.com-power.com

This list offers a starting point for those seeking EMI/EMC testing services and solutions. Selecting the right provider depends on specific testing needs, industry standards, and geographic location.

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